Obert Tawodzera

PhD Student

Prior to coming to Sheffield, Obert obtained a Masters of Research in Social Policy awarded with distinction and a BA Honours in Social Policy 1st class from the University of York. He was particularly attracted to the Sustainable Care programme by the strength of its interdisciplinary research community and extensive research network which will help him gain a broad spectrum of knowledge from leading academics of different areas as well as the contribution the program will have on the UK’s social care system. Obert is convinced that this will be an extremely enriching experience from both an academic and personal perspective.

His research is in sociology and is focused on exploring the role of new technologies in mediating long distance aged care relationships between UK based migrants and their overseas family members. The PhD is embedded within the wider work of Care ‘In’ and ‘Out of’ Place, which aims to examine migrant experiences of care in and out of place, in order to develop understandings of sustainability and wellbeing. Obert will be supervised by Professor Majella Kilkey and Professor Louise Ryan.

In addition to his PhD focus, Obert’s research interest also includes migrant labour market integration, transnational families, refugee integration and the political economy of migration.

Obert on twitter.