Camille Allard

PhD Student

Camille’s personal experiences of care have led her to question the way society considers and values care and caring relationships, whether paid or not paid. She reached the conclusion that care is central to our human lives, and is becoming an issue of emergency with our societies facing ageing populations. However, it remains a neglected and devalued topic. Camille says that the Sustainable Care Programme is a rare and exciting opportunity to arise this topic and to have an impact on the policies of tomorrow about social care.

In the Sustainable Care programme, Camille will be researching about the impact of the workplace on employees who are also carers. She will be working with companies offering different schemes of care leaves and will be assessing how it could enhance a carer’s ability to incorporate paid employment. Camille is very interested to investigate how schemes could work to mutually benefit employers and employees’ wellbeing at work.


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Research and publications

Working carers in the Ministry of Justice: Summary of research findings (2020)

Supporting Carers to Work and Care (Sustainable Care Policy Perspective 2018)

Care Data: The scope and quality of data on care (Sustainable Care Policy Perspective 2018)